fifteen again, biggest concerns are the ghosts in my bedroom and the 2008 financial collapse. i'll carve out a place here with my teeth or, whatever, who cares? i've just never been so angry or so in love with february the way the winter lets her bra strap shimmy off her shoulder and kisses me on the mouth, grey i don't fit in here, alright, everything's a little uncomfortable take an x-ray see the space under my diaphragm? it's been there all along, filled up with pink glitter, let me taste your breath rain puddles up to my knees, the air is wet and oily rainbows shimmer around the old church i'm walking backwards so we can keep talking, haven't seen you in too many years sorry babe, the phone's just heavy let's do it again, let's be on purpose this time there's lipstick on my smile, i'll get it this time
for rachel
i thought i heard you calling, i came running, sick dog, spaniel at your heels oasis girl, moonlit, don't you know i'm ruined? green light, green glass, red blood aches black against the floor i don't remember my name today, so i'll pray yours. i lost myself somewhere in a winding wire maze there's a whisper in my ear that aches like water it all goes fuzzy around the edges except for you. every horror story is a love story if it hurts enough.
gravitational vignettes
i think of gravity and lines the vibrations between us and how when we are held pieces shake off and mix up maybe love is holding enough of someone within yourself that you don't forget quiet vignettes where we fall together like gravity moments that imprint themselves upon us like fingerprints in clay the moon of me crashing into waves of you home is where i've left the most of myself behind in places i could trust to find it a million ways, a million pieces of dirt stuck beneath my nails a hand, a kiss, a breath in sweet blue laughter and forgetting i will know it when i have my coffee, warm and ready and yours
twin systems
the more i touch you, the more i become of you electrons pass from atom to atom when i brush my fingers against yours i leave a piece of myself behind, too a memory of myself held in your body the more i reach you, the more i become of you twin stars in eternal dance lovers pulling each other closer draped in velvet sky we pull tight and lose a little more of our self-ness to same-ness the more i watch you, the more i become of you i let you pull my tides to shore i'll never have you and you'll never let me go it's enough that you pull me to and fro
heads or tails